Jasmine Flower

Fertilizer For Jasmine Plant – Essentials Guide

Jasmine is a popular flower with a rather sweet and heady fragrance among gardeners. Whether using a pot or growing it up a wall or fence, jasmine brings refinement and fragrance into the environment. However, apart from water and light, these beautiful plants need more than food at the right time to grow their foliage greener and more considerable. This guide discusses different types of fertilizer for jasmine plants and the right time for feeding them.

Picture yourself coming out of your balcony; a sweet jasmine aroma is all you can breathe in. A jasmine plant well nurtured with all the appropriate nutrients grows into a gorgeous plant that offers scented chameli flowers and turns any garden into a wonderland. Novice gardeners and those experienced in this matter should know different types of fertilizer for jasmine plants. Everything you will need to know to help your jasmine plants grow to their best potential will be provided in this guide.

When Should I Fertilize My Jasmine Plant?

Before selecting fertilizer for jasmine plants, you need to know the right time to feed them to boost the growth of more flowers. The timing of the fertilizer application can go a long way in determining jasmine’s health and flowering ability.

Spring and Early Summer

It is suggested that fertilizer be applied to jasmine when it is growing, and the best time to do this is from the beginning of spring till the middle of summer. Jasmine plants begin to develop during warm summer periods and when there is more daylight. Feeding during this period helps with the plant’s new growth and flower formation.

After Pruning

If you have trimmed your jasmine plant to force new branches, fertilizer is wise to replenish the plant in this process. Pruning is traumatizing to the plant; fertilization feeds it nutrients, enabling it to heal and grow faster.

Before Blooming

It is advised that fertilizer is added when the plant prepares for flowering, as this will enhance flowering. It is a fact that when the jasmine plant is given adequate nutrients, it blooms with more flowers, and the coloration and density of the fragrance are higher.

Avoid Late Fall and Winter Fertilization

Do not fertilize jasmine during the late fall and winter when the plant is not growing or developing as it is during spring and summer. Therefore, Fertilization during this period may hamper the plant’s normal cycle, or at best, the fertilizer may go to waste.

How To Keep The Jasmine Plant Happy

Keeping the Jasmine plant happy is not that hard. You have to take care of its basic needs for maintaining a healthy and vibrant jasmine plant; the following factors must be understood concerning its nutrition, the climates it thrives in, and other details required for its care that keep the jasmine plant happy.

Proper Light Exposure

Jasmine requires a sunny position to a semi-shady one. They like soft morning sunlight, but too much sunlight can scorch them. Jasmine must get between 4 and 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Consistent Watering

Jasmine also requires good drainage and likes moisture. Excess water causes poor nutrient and root rot progression, while water scarcity makes the foliage of the plant wilt and shed. Feel the soil with your fingers and water it when the upper layer of soil feels dry after touching it.

Regular Pruning

Pruning helps retain the right size and shape of the plant while promoting more growth of branches and foliage. Prune the excess and the dead branches after the flowering season to spur fresh growth.

Nutrient-Rich Soil

The most significant part is to ensure that the soil where the jasmine plant is to be planted has lots of organic matter. The condition of well-balanced soil is beneficial for the uptake of nutrients to support growth and flower formation.

Pest and Disease Management

Check your jasmine plant with frequent pests such as aphids or spider mites. Do not use pesticide spray. Instead, you may use natural remedies or horticultural oil to keep the infestation in check. Prune the plant and eliminate any old or infected leaves to minimize the occurrence of any disease.

Jasmine Nutritional Needs

Jasmine plants have particular nutritional needs that should not remain unnoticed in plant development. Jasmine plants require a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients.


  • Nitrogen (N): Encourages foliage. Closely related to the build-up of green foliage.
  • Phosphorus (P): This nutrient effectively develops roots and encourages flowering. Crucial for abundant blooms.
  • Potassium (K): Helps in the growth and development of the plant and provides resistance against diseases. Enhances ability to manage water status and resistance to stress.


  • Iron (Fe): Found to be critical in chlorophyll synthesis. It prevents yellowing of leaves.
  • Magnesium (Mg): Crucial in photosynthesis, during which plants gain their green color—magnesium supports healthy leaf development.
  • Calcium (Ca): Represents a component that increases the sample’s cell wall rigidness and promotes root development.

Best Fertilizer For Jasmine Plant

Deciding on the best type of fertilizer to use on the jasmine plant entails determining the particular requirements of the plant as well as its age. Here are some top recommendations for the best fertilizer for jasmine plants.

Balanced Granular Fertilizer

For greater efficiency, slow-release granular fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or 14-14-14 will deliver nutrients continuously. Use it when the plants are alive, and apply it during their growth season.

Bloom Booster Fertilizer

If you want to boost flowering, a fertilizer with a high phosphorus percentage of 10-30-20 will be su, table. They are beneficial in supporting an explosion of flowers and rich tones in a broad sense.

Liquid Fertilizer

The advantage of liquid fertilizers is that they act quickly and can be applied in more amounts at a go. They are perfect for container-grown jasmine and offer the plants an instant source of nutrients. Search for a liquid fertilizer where the macro and micronutrients are in ideal proportions.

Organic Fertilizer

Organic manure, such as compost or well rotten animal manure, adds more nutrients to the soil and helps improve the nature of the soil. Organic gardeners should steer towards them due to the advancement in agricultural practices.

Jasmine Fertilizer NPK

When choosing a fertilizer for jasmine plants, it is vital to understand the Jasmine Fertilizer NPK ratio, which stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Each element serves a specific purpose.

Jasmine plants prefer a well-balanced NPK fertilizer 10-10-10 for overall plant growth, while for blooming, the plant requires phosphorous fertilizer 10-20-20.

7-9-5 Fertilizer For Jasmine

The 7-9-5 fertilizer for jasmine is nothing else but an NPK fertilizer balanced and ideal for flowering plants such as jasmine to encourage blooming.

  • 7Nitrogen
  • 9 Phosphorus
  • 5Potassium

Jasmine plants should be fertilized with a 7-9-5 fertilizer during the growing season to meet all the required nutrients for significant growth and flowering. They moderate the amount of vegetation and flowers produced, which benefits anyone interested in jasmine plants.

Epsom Salt For Jasmine

Epsom salt is a natural mineral compound popularly known as magnesium sulfate that can be useful for jasmine plants. Here’s how Epsom salt for jasmine can enhance your care routine.

  • Magnesium Supplement: For instance, magnesium is an essential constituent of chlorophyll, which is crucial for photosynthesis. Epsom salt replenishes the magnesium needed in plants to stop the leaves from turning yellow and make the plant foliage green.
  • Improved Nutrient Uptake: Epsom salt helps improve nutrient uptake, which entails nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients that are important for the proper growth of plants and the production of flowers.
  • Increased Flowering: Magnesium is an essential element in the formation of flour; using Epsom salt multiple times can boost flower production and the period of their enhanced blossoming.

How to Use Epsom Salt

Add one tablespoon of Epsom salt to a gallon of water and apply it to the jasmine plant’s soil monthly during growth. I like to refer to this as gentle supplementation because the changes you’ll notice in the health and flowering of your plants will be very noticeable.

Miracle-Grow on Jasmine

Miracle-Grow is a brand of fertilizer for jasmine plants that can boost plant growth. It works as a supplement for them. Here’s how Miracle-Grow on jasmine plants is beneficial:-

  • Quick Nutrient Delivery: The tendency of its nutrients to dissolve in water gives your jasmine plant immediate improvement because the nutrients are immediately available for uptake.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Healthy foliage, less affected by diseases and pests, a potent rooting system, and excellent flowering are all possible with the balanced NPK in Miracle-Grow fertilizers.
  • Easy Application: Originally, Miracle-Grow on jasmine was easy to apply and can easily be used while watering the plants. It can also dissolve relatively easily in water, making it even more appropriate for jasmine grown in the garden and jasmine grown in pots.

Recommended Miracle-Gro Product

As for jasmine, Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food is recommended, and the NPK ratio of this fertilizer is 24-8-16. The formula guarantees the plant will have a healthy, fresh appearance with bright flowers and green leaves to the jasmine plant.

Liquid Fertilizer For Jasmine Plant

Liquid fertilizers for jasmine are ideal for application, especially if the plants are grown in containers or pots. Here are the advantages of using liquid fertilizers for the jasmine plant.

  • Rapid Absorption: Water soluble are fast acting; thus, to the plants, they give nutrients to the roots, and they are easily seen to have influenced change.
  • Precise Application: However, you can avoid the latter by using liquid fertilizers, which means you can regulate the quantity of nutrients your jasmine absorbs.
  • Versatility: The liquid fertilizers are easily absorbed through the foliage as a foliar spray or through the root system since they can be incorporated directly into the soil.

Best Liquid Fertilizer for Jasmine Plants:- Select an equal ratio liquid fertilizer with 20: 20: 20 nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, or search for a fertilizer with higher phosphorus for better flowering. It is recommended to use it every 2-4 weeks during the growing season to obtain the best outcomes.

What Organic Fertilizer Is Good for Jasmine

Organic fertilizers are recommended for jasmine plants, especially for those fans of ecological gardening. They supply the required nutrients to plants and, at the same time, help determine the kind of soil structure that plants need. Here are some of the best organic fertilizers for jasmine plants:-


Compost is a mixture of nitrogen and phosphorus in organic matter, indicating it is nutrient-rich. It suppresses pests and diseases, enhances soil structure, increases nutrient availability, and challenges the root systems. Compost can be used on the surface of the area to be planted or incorporated into the soil at the time of planting.

Well-Rotted Manure

Cow, horse, or chicken dung are good because they are nutrient-rich. Ensure it gets well composted so as not to burn the plants. Manure has humus properties, stimulates the presence of microorganisms, and slowly releases nutrients to the plants.

Bone Meal

Bone and meal are rich in phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for forming roots and flowers. Bone meal can be used during planting or as a side dressing to increase flowering.

Fish Emulsion

Fish emulsion is a liquid fertilizer rich in nitrogen and other features relevant to plant growth. NPK fertilizer with potassium is the best since it promotes green leaves and the plant’s strength. To apply fish emulsion, first dilute it in water, and it can be used as a soil drench or foliar spray.

Blood Meal

A blood meal is rich in nitrogen, essential for healthy green leaves and vigorous growth. It is very effective during active growth, that is, the formation of new shoots and leaves.

Seaweed Extract

Seaweed extract contains micronutrients, hormones, and growth-promoting substances. It improves the ability of plants to withstand environmental stresses, promotes flowering, and strengthens the plant’s health. Seaweed extract should be given as a foliar spray or soil soak.

Natural Fertilizer For Jasmine Plant

Organic manure can be used instead of artificial ones; these organic products would guarantee a slow but steady supply of nutrients to jasmine plants and would not introduce any chemicals to the plants. Here are some effective natural fertilizers for the jasmine Plant.

Coffee Grounds

Nitrogen promotes leaf growth, and coffee grounds contain nitrogen, making them suitable for use. They can be broadcast all over the soil or plowed to increase soil fertility.


These crushed eggshells, known to be extremely wealthy in calcium, will assist in imparting strong body walls and phenomenal root structures. These can be mixed in the soil or incorporated into a compost pile for nutrients to be available to the plants.

Wood Ash

Wood ash can be considered a potassium and trace element, a natural source. For potassium deficiency, lessen the watering and sprinkle wood ash around the plant; keep in mind to pat it into the ground.

Epsom Salt

It was also mentioned earlier that Epsom salt is sourced from magnesium, enhancing photosynthesis and flowering. It can be broadcast by diluting in water as a soil drench or foliar sprayer.

Tea Leaves

Discarded tea can be a great addition to a compost bin or put directly into the soil. To have a lush lawn and healthy vegetation, one has to know lawn care tips and techniques. It helps to refurbish the soil structure, incorporate organic residues, and contribute a modest nutrient supplement.

Advantages of Natural Fertilizers

  • Chemical-Free: The organic manures do not have chemical content and thus do not harm the environment, which is advantageous to valuable insects.
  • Cost-Effective: Some natural fertilizers can be obtained from household waste, making gardening cheaper.
  • Sustainable: They help conserve the environment through the recycling of organic products that are used in gardening.

Homemade Fertilizer For Jasmine Plant

Making our natural fertilizers is cost-effective and environmentally friendly, supplying our jasmine plants with nutrients. Here are some simple homemade fertilizers for the jasmine plant that you can try:-

Compost Tea

Ingredients: Compost, water

Load water in a tub and put organic fertilizer in a sachet or an old pillowcase. After that, it needs to be left to steep for 24-48 hours, during which it is recommended to stir the mixture occasionally. Apply the liquid by foliar sprays or as a soil drench, instilling some drops between the leaves.

Banana Peel Fertilizer

Ingredients: Banana peels, water

Chop the banana peels into small pieces, put them into a basin filled with water, and allow the mixture to stand for 2-3 days. Filter it, and pour it over the flowers as the concentrated potassium solution to ensure they bloom well.

Rice Water


  • A Freelancer sharing his experience of home gardening, This passion built a deeper understanding of plant care and its needs, which I am going to share with you guys.

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Piyush Ranjan Mishra

A Freelancer sharing his experience of home gardening, This passion built a deeper understanding of plant care and its needs, which I am going to share with you guys.

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