Peace lily is a gorgeous houseplant. With the right care, it will enhance the look of your indoor space. Let’s see some caring tips.
If you're growing your peace lily in water, you have to keep replacing it with fresh water in a week to keep it healthy.
Peace Lily loves to get indirect sunlight. If you see a scorch on its leaves, then it's time to relocate your plant because it's getting too much sunlight.
Peace lilies require a humid environment to thrive, especially in winter, when you need to arrange a humidifier or pebble tray for your plant.
Peace does not require pruning; if you witness any yellow or damaged leaves, pinch them off from your plant.
If you are planting it in soil, then prepare a well-drained mix and make a proper drainage hole in your pot or container.
Repotting your plant is very crucial for the plant's health. If you are seeing rootbounds or some outgrowing roots in your pot, then it’s time to repot them.
You can fertilize your plant in its initial stage and just before the blooming season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.