Many roses we bring home are propagated from grafting, and these are at high risk of getting diseases.
First, Select the variety according to your USDA Zone. Building a framework and covering your roses with a blanket or something will save them from frost.
In autumn, when your plant goes dormant, prune your plant down to 2-3 feet off the ground from sharp pruning gear.
Applying pruning paint or glue on the cut end after pruning will save your plant from sawflies, bees and wasps.
When the soil feels dry after touching it, you must water your plant.
For USDA Zone 6 and above, mounding soil around 12 inches over the crown and applying mulch is enough to protect your plant.
After applying the mounding method, you have to cover your plant for extra insulation.
The Minnesota tip method works well on climbing roses, which involves covering the whole plant in soil.